OTIP Education Worker Awards - Frequently Asked Questions


Who can make a nomination?


Anyone can make a nomination. A current or former student, parent, teacher, co-worker, administrator, or member of the community may wish to recognize outstanding efforts by nominating an education worker.

Self-nominations or nominations of family members will not be accepted.


Who can be nominated?


Nominations are open to all education workers who are insured by OTIP or are a member of an employee benefits plan that is administered by OTIP, and work in one of Ontario's public, Catholic or francophone school boards.

Read the award rules and regulations for more information.


How do I make a nomination?


To make a nomination, fill out the online nomination form.

Be sure to collect all required information before you start filling in the form, including:

  • The education worker’s contact information, job title, address of primary employment, school board, and email.
  • Examples of how your nomination has contributed to student success, and to the overall success of the school/education community.
  • Two additional references from parents, teachers, students or administrators who will provide their support for the nomination. Be sure to ask for letters of reference in an electronic format, so you can copy and paste into the nomination form and include contact information for your references.
  • Any other supporting materials you wish to provide, such as photos, videos, or PDF documents.

Who can be a reference?


Anyone can be a reference. You may choose a parent, teacher, student or administrator who will provide support for the nomination.


What do the award winners receive?


Selected by a panel of OTIP judges, winners are hosted at an award ceremony in Toronto, Ontario where they are recognized for their outstanding contributions and presented with a personal award of $1,000 and a Certificate of Recognition.


When are the award winners announced?


Winners are announced on otip.com in the fall.

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