OTIP Education Worker Awards - Rules and Regulations

  1. Two winners will be selected each year.

  2. Nominations are open to all Education Workers who are insured by OTIP or are a member of an employee benefits plan that is administered by OTIP ("Eligibility Requirements”).  Winners will be recognized for their outstanding contribution to the education community and will be presented a personal award of $1,000 CAD and a Certificate of Recognition. Prizes cannot be substituted, other than at OTIP’s discretion.

  3. Only one entry per person will be accepted. Multiple nominations will be considered as one nomination. The earliest received nomination will be used for consideration.

  4. The start date of the contest is January 26, 2024. The deadline to enter is March 31, 2024.

  5. Entries will be accepted online, and through the mail using a downloaded version of the Nomination Form.

  6. By submitting an entry, you represent and warrant that your entry

    • Is original (the story cannot be plagiarized and should be truthful);

    • Does not contain content that is in violation of or infringes any intellectual property rights of any third party;

    • Has not been published or distributed previously in any media (including, without limitation, on the Internet);

    • Will not be submitted in the future as an entry in other contests or awards without prior written consent from OTIP.

  7. The winners will be contacted by email and will be subject to verification by OTIP.
  8. Should either of the winners not meet the Eligibility Requirements, another winner will be chosen.

  9. Awards will be made by cheque in Canadian funds payable to the winners.

  10. The winners will be posted on OTIP’s website (www.otip.com) in October.

  11. The odds of winning are dependent on the number of eligible entries received by the closing date.

  12. It is the sole responsibility of the nominator to notify OTIP if they or the nominee changes his or her telephone number and/or email address.

  13. By entering the OTIP Education Worker Awards, the winners consent to the use of their name and the name of their school or primary workplace in any related publicity without further compensation, worldwide and in perpetuity, in any and all forms of media now known or hereafter devised, including the Internet, in any publicity or advertising carried out by OTIP, unless prohibited by law.

  14. OTIP is not responsible for any entries that are lost, late, damaged, destroyed, misdirected or delayed by any computer or technical malfunctions that may occur in the processing, transmission or receipt of entries.

  15. By participating in the OTIP Education Worker Awards, all entrants agree to be bound by these rules and regulations and declare that the information they provided to support their entry is true and correct.

  16. An OTIP committee will review all the nomination forms, and develop a short list of up to ten (10) candidates for each category for consideration by a final jury.

  17. All decisions of the judging committee are final and binding on the entrants in all matters relating to the OTIP Education Worker Awards, the eligibility requirements and the selection process.

  18. OTIP reserves the right to administer the OTIP Education Worker Awards as required, including the right to withdraw, terminate, suspend, cancel or modify all or part of the OTIP Education Worker Awards including the eligibility requirements at any time and without notice.

  19. The OTIP Education Worker Awards are subject to all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws and regulations and is governed by Canadian laws and the laws of the Province of Ontario.


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