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7 safety tips for driving at night

It’s no secret that driving at night can be more dangerous than driving during the day. When you’re fighting poor visibility, sleepiness, and distracted drivers, it can be a challenge to avoid all the risks around you. No matter how much driving experience you have, use these practical tips to drive safely long after the sun goes down:

  1. Be extra defensive. The number one rule we’re taught in driving school is to always be defensive — you need to stay alert, follow all road rules and signs, and be ready to respond to other drivers who may do something unexpected. While driving in the dark, keep a close eye on other vehicles, especially those that may be acting erratically, and always be ready to move your own vehicle out of harm’s way. And when driving in rural areas, keep an eye on the tree line for potential wildlife, like deer and coyotes, that like to come out after dark.
  2. Keep your windshield clean. When driving at night, you’ll easily notice all the grime that’s built up on your windshield throughout the course of the day, week, or month. Before leaving in the evening, always take some time to clean the outside of your windshield with your wipers and make sure your vehicle has enough windshield washer fluid for your trip. If your wipers aren’t cleaning your windshield as well as they should, it may be time to replace them.
  3. Keep your interior lights down low. Between dashboard lights, dash cameras, and GPS devices, the cabin of your vehicle can quickly become a bright and distracting place that can reduce your night vision. When driving at night, you should turn the brightness of all devices down to the lowest practical setting and turn your phone off or stow it away, so you won’t be distracted by notifications.
  4. Know when to use your high beams. Your high beams can improve your visibility when driving at night, since they increase your view of the road from 45 metres ahead to approximately 90 metres. But it’s also important not to keep them on all the time. You should only turn your high beams on when on rural or open roads, and should dim them when you’re within 200 metres of another driver to avoiding temporarily blinding them.
  5. Avoid looking into other vehicles’ headlights. While you’ll likely remember to dim your high beams, not all drivers will do the same. To protect your eyes from the potentially blinding headlights of oncoming traffic, look down and to the right while passing a vehicle with bright lights. Use the edge of the road or other lane markings to make sure you stay safely in your lane until you’ve passed the oncoming vehicle.
  6. Drive a little slower than normal. When driving on a winding, unlit, or poorly lit road at night, you can only see as far as your headlights can reach. If you’re driving too fast, you won’t have enough time to react to oncoming threats and safely make an emergency stop. To protect yourself, your passengers, and other drivers at night, drive slower than the suggested daytime speed limit so you have more time to see and react to any surprises.
  7. Stay off the road if you’re tired. Driving while tired can affect your response time and increase your chances of being involved in an accident. If you can, avoid driving at all costs if you’re not feeling completely alert. If you become tired while driving, pull over immediately where it’s safe, turn off the car, and take a nap.

These are just a few of the many things you can do to reduce your risk of getting into a collision while driving at night. But sometimes accidents happen – even when you’re taking extra safety measures to protect yourself and others. If you're a current OTIP policyholder, contact us at 1-833-615-9329 to review your existing auto insurance policy and discuss additional optional coverage. If you’re not insured with OTIP and are shopping for auto insurance, call us at 1-833-494-0085 to get a quote and receive a $20 gift card of your choice!

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