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Travel tips for your getaway!

Travelling allows you and your family to explore new places, experience different cultures and create lasting memories. To enjoy your adventures, it is important to protect your health and well-being. Check out these travel tips to ensure you are prepared for any trip you take in Canada or abroad.

Tip #1: Understand your coverage

For the first 60 days of your out-of-province or out-of-country trip, you have coverage for:

  • Medical treatment or services provided for a sudden, unexpected injury or illness that occurs or a new medical condition that begins during your trip.

  • Pre-existing conditions that were medically stable before departure.

  • Medical emergencies related to pregnancy, provided you are not travelling within four weeks of your due date, and you were medically stable before departure.

You can refer to your benefits booklet for travel coverage details.

Looking for additional insurance to cover pre-existing conditions? Visit
21st Century to learn more.

Tip #2: Confirm “medical stability”

In the 90 days before your departure, you or your eligible family member/dependant is considered medically stable if there were:
  • No treatments or tests for any new symptoms, conditions or illnesses.

  • No increase in or worsening of any existing symptoms.

  • No new test results showing that the condition or illness has worsened.

  • No changes to treatments or medications, except where the condition or illness has improved.

  • No admission to or treatment at a hospital for the medical condition or illness

  • No planned non-routine appointments, further health investigations/tests or future treatments.

Discuss your pre-diagnosed medical condition(s) with your doctor before travelling (if applicable) to determine if there is any risk of complications. We recommend you contact OTIP Benefits Services with any questions on medically stable requirements prior to travel.
IMPORTANT: Although your doctor may have cleared you and/or your eligible dependants for travel, there is no guarantee of coverage for a pre-diagnosed/pre-existing condition. Medical documentation may be requested at the time of the incident to determine the medical stability of a pre-diagnosed/pre-existing condition.
ELHT Infographic

Tip #3: Understand the claims submission process

Global Excel Management (GEM) is the ELHT’s out-of-country and emergency travel assistance provider that manages and processes your travel expenses. If you are travelling and need medical treatment, please contact GEM before seeking treatment if possible.

Looking for emergency phone numbers? Click here. You can also find these numbers on the back of your benefits card. NOTE: You must use a landline.


You can quickly and easily submit travel claims online via the GEM claims portal. The digital portal allows you to submit expenses, track the status of claims and estimates and upload supporting documentation for previous submissions. The site also includes travel and claims FAQs.

We cannot guarantee coverage as every claim must be assessed on an individual basis. GEM may request complete medical records to determine coverage. Your medical information will remain on file for no longer than six months.

By following these tips, you can ensure peace of mind, protect yourself and your family, and enjoy a memorable and enjoyable journey. Safe travels!

For more information, explore the Travel section at


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